free-form poetry
Catamite among the pigeons
I'm getting ready
to start anew,
ambrosial horizon's creamy hallucin,
illimitable aeon
ahead of dreams
Piped wet concrete,
barehand, I must furiously sculpt,
toolless bar optimism,
this future
and forget
that which slips through my
fingers, and plops onto that slagheap of
human potential.
As I burn brazen in scorch of celestial doubt,
I must cup, mould & nurture
this aqueous fate,
and forget
as it sets,
that my body and heart will contort
and harden around it,
and forget
all but clasping destiny.
You as a child.
Mad love flowerbud mud love bubble.
Reflects in the puddle of now, muddled.
Stretched on all irregular edges,
the dusty ground will slowly
The treads of others
punch holes.
Reform with ripples,
a few splash drips
Putting the 'wit' into withering
Every false smile I see, wafer-thin automata,
small talk for tiny thoughts,
What's the matter?
Gargoyles gargle grey matter.
I am the neutral paint on a mansion,
Slapped varnish protects from impish element,
Crisp fascia upper-lipped cloaks the crumbling brick inside,
Maggot meal makes dusty guts
My varnish is a stare,
Now you... now you don't, not there.
Time for a change! Raise the blade!
Exclamation mark.
As alcohol as collagen,
Masturbation is botox.
Numb skull.
One sharp sting for pristine vogue,
makeover makeover makeover makeover.
Nest of beats remain, nibble nibble,
inside-out digestion, renovate renovate,
suckle on root to take-over,
Polished front and heart polished off.
Fast forward.
Maddened I am,
Wolve I am, lamb I am
they shout as I swing, cling
the possibility strings, clutched,
as our hands met
over the sad part of a film.
The silence erupting, tranquility rage.
We discussed Bob Dylan
down the stairs,
and bellowed his lyrics
from the second we parted
past staring faces
that all looked like you.
Rubberneck now
Fermenting champion
sprouting lush muscles leafy,
canopy of joy,
swing, cling cushy vines,
possibility strings,
MaƱana - a lovely word
and one that probably means heaven
Walk this way my son. Narcissism
becomes you.
Guilted sweats
the perfect thought pattern of the mind
- sodden with imperfection.
Ooze oxidised ideas
for the forgotten tomorrows.
on pages unwritten,
film unexposed
and canvas naked.
Discarded bones.
Meat morsels recycled by scavenging silhouettes,
Concepts recycled by none.
The slagheap of human potential
Bulges brazen in harrowing scorch of awe.
Let me be the scavenger, birth and mirror,
Surf, gorge and roll, a sticky pink corpus.
Drench me in the tears.
Vibrate me with joyous screams.
Soil my flesh with hatred.
Saturate my heart with hot hope.
Forever let me writhe,
Ingest eternal.
For one year, you have slept in my bed
While I watch,
A hard hibernation on livid springs
Press into your brittle body.
I have tried to move you
I cannot budge you
I expect anaemic you
to awake and abdicate
forsake still
lake kill
hope springs
ill winter clings
Your crooked slumber placid
Breath mist
Will ripples freeze as you
Bask in thermal faithfuls
Livid springs
To mind.
Among the snuggeries of babies
(I want what you have.
All your stuff
should be mine.
Everything you own
you don't appreciate, really.
I know you don't mean to gloat
but your spring waterfalls
drench my tissues.
I put ink on fibres
The flow breaks
All over
My I will rampage,
sin age,
sin I will,
I'm a fucking genius.
Participo, ergo sum
Suck teeth suck in belly
suck cherry drops and split blood
square up & simmer down
eye to eye
for an eye
for a girl
and balls of a lad lad lad
Suck it up, soak it up, the roar, the raw,
Come on
girls who dig girls,
Come on
Come up
Come down sick flairs stunning hues,
Come on if you think...
Take me on
Take Charlie
Take her
Take away
Take time to see sunrise
Flair stunning hues.
Plastic passion is nil,
the heart is won.
Mouth stretched amaze at unstoppable tongues.
I have discovered a new sense,
a runic capacity
that can never be named.
A childish wisdom,
a spring quiver,
Unknown, at last
First day perplexed.
Don't hide that palpable blubber
behind reason,
and other drab myths
Death Drive
Relapse. A life of drizzle.
Make no imprint,
import no shape sculptures,
prod the limp handshake, soak.
To swell, bulge and monsoon,
hail or snow, SNOW,
let's Tipex over peers piques intercropped, reap, toward off
hand remark,
bite your fingers
and your children's fingers,
with smile of your know me,
you know me.
In a world of digital accuracy, I feel ugly for existing.
Bitten fingers bleed on knobbly digits,
sweaty cancer and dicky tickers.
We greasy plinths for gen obelisks, pristine.
Globular morass clutching gold chalice
Capillaries weave
alienation looms.
Fuck you, heroes
(For Mark)
Exploratory, surge through vains
veins of fresh ground men, grinded.
Exploratory surge deep in the throat
for the love that chokes,
and rushing heads grabbed,
as exploratory surge through marks made,
the mark you've made.
To the humorous infection that flings warm sonics.
To hysterical bellies of beer and ecstasy.
Naivety and laughter, rolling green on sofas,
to the vision blooming godly
through stigmata eyes,
to the halo-ed heretic,
that golden calf we want to see,
forgetting the meat,
which is scared,
to death, to life,
to the exploratory in-between.